Dark Solitary: Gregor Friday von Vlad in Tears

Als letzten in unserer Reihe Dark Solitary über die Band Vlad in Tears möchten wir euch Gregor Friday vorstellen.



Der quirlige Gitarrist der Band ist auf der Bühne kaum zu stoppen. Es macht viel sehr viel Spaß und animiert, ihn rocken zu sehen.

Der gebürtige Australier hat sich 2010/2011 dazu entschieden seine Heimatstadt Melbourne zu verlassen und nach Berlin zu ziehen. Nicht zuletzt der Musik wegen.

Sein Bandprojekt Gregor Friday, welches er schon in Australien gegründet hatte, führte er dort weiter, unter anderem mit Cosmo Cadar. So entstand auch der Kontakt zur Band Vlad in Tears, da Cosmo sich ihnen als fester Drummer angeschlossen hat.

Anfang 2014 entschied sich Gregor ebenfalls zu VIT zu wechseln und das war für die Band ein absoluter Glücksgriff. Vom ersten Tag an hatte man das Gefühl, er gehört schon lange dazu. Die Harmonie der Band, das Zusammenspiel sind perfekt aufeinander abgestimmt.

Gregor hat sich sehr schnell in die bestehenden Songs eingespielt, was ihn auch als sehr guten Musiker auszeichnet.

Auch Gregor haben wir einige Fragen gestellt, welche wir euch nicht vorenthalten wollen:


How did you get into Music-Business?10848760_643091112465971_3765936796033517772_o

My Dad is a musician, so I started playing form a young age, but somewhere in my teen years I discovered metal and that was it, I didn’t want to do anything else. I went to music school and did an internship with ‚the push‘ as well as going to things like ‚Melbourne music managers forum‘ to meet people and learn as much as possible.

Which instruments do you play?

Guitar. I can compose for other instruments, fumble on a piano or drums or bass, even sing a little, but Guitar is the only instrument that I’ve really studied.

You’re from Australia. What’s the reason to come to Germany?

I was playing in Gregor Friday and the Knights, Touched by a parsnip and a few other projects and the scene for strange alternative music was just too small, and so I wanted to go somewhere where I could find my audience. Berlin seemed like a good start.

10675756_10204961967353415_4849766569180824674_nYou’re so funky on stage and animate the fans. Only on stage or in real also?

I love to perform and inspire people, it’s a big reason why I stuck with music. On the stage is always exciting and high energy, and that’s definitely a part of me that’s always there, but sometimes your in the mood to just chill.

How did you meet Vlad in Tears?

I had heard about Vlad in Tears firstly through my friend Romain Vicente. I was playing with Cosmo in Gregor Friday band at the time when he joined, and I went to see them play at K17 with Stahlmann and that’s when I met them all. And when they were looking for a new Guitarist, Herr Mordhorst called.

You have settled in very quickly. Has the chemistry fit from the beginning?

It has been pretty easy to get along with the guys and play together. It was never hard, but it seems to get more comfortable and the connection continues to grow the more we play together.

If you look back, would you change anything?10009948_600596603382089_3048350067574533375_o

I don’t have any regrets, and I’m very lucky to have the life that I have now.

How is the feeling for you on stage to be?

The feeling on stage is very euphoric. Most of the time I’m in the flow state, so the show is more or less of a reaction, I only really remember a few specific moments, but the feeling is almost overwhelming.

What do you think about the Music-Business here in Germany?

Well, let me put it this way, the scene in Germany is strong, and the fans are truly dedicated. As far as the business goes, it’s necessary to have such things, but mixing art and money is a dangerous thing.

Where and with whom would you like to be on stage?

I would love to share the stage with Slipknot at a festival like download or even Dillinger Escape Plan on summer slaughter. That would be a dream comes true

Your wish for the future?

My wish for the future is to continue making art and performing for people who really appreciate it, and to fill my hose with beautiful expensive guitars that I don’t have to pay for
Wir danken für seine offenen Worte und die Zeit die er sich für uns genommen hat.
Pictures by

Jan Nightsite Berlin

Jörg Fischer

About >puregatory<

Ich bin ein Mensch für den Musik eine wichtige Rolle im Leben spielt.... wie heisst es so schön ... da wo Worte nicht mehr weiter wissen, setzt die Musik ein .. da ist was wahres dran. Ich schreibe gerne , lese, fotographiere. Schreibe selber Gedichte und Songtexte für diverse Künstler. Sich weiter zu entwickeln finde ich sehr wichtig , denn ich bin der Meinung still zu stehen macht einen auf Dauer krank. Wer irgendwelche Fragen an mich hat, kann mich gerne kontaktieren.

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