CALABRESE – eine US-amerikanische Horrorpunk-Band gegründet von den drei CALABRESE Brüdern Jimmy, Bobby und Davey, haben ein musikalisches Ziel:
Unsere Musik soll Euch an einen Ort bringen, an dem Ihr zuvor noch nie wart.

2019 hat die Band ihr 7. Studioalbum „Flee The Light“ rausgebracht, zu dem es auf ihrem YouTube Kanal für jeden Song ein Musikvideo gibt.
Der jüngste CALABRESE-Bruder Davey hat sich die Zeit genommen uns ein paar Fragen zu beantworten.
We hope you three are all doing fine! Despite all the negative input – or just because of that, did you get a special creative kick to work on something new?
Davey: EVOLVE or DIE! We chose EVOLVE! Lots of new Calabrese madness gets created and put out everyday!
Hand on heart, is it more difficult to be in a band with your own brothers, or maybe more productive because you are more likely to get criticism than normal band members?
Davey: We would be broken up waaaaaaaaay long ago if we weren’t brothers. You gotta let things go for the GREATER GOOD of the music.
What is your personal favorite from „Flee The Light“? Why?

Davey: Track 1 through 11 because I love everything we do.
I’ve heard a few rumors that Calabrese is about to have a mini-podcast online, is that true? What are you guys going to talk about?
Davey: The rumors are true! We are gonna talk about all things Calabrese. Things that inspire us, fan questions, fan mail….possibly even interviewing our fellow horror creatives.
Did your dad play a big role in your musical development?
Davey: Our Dad is our biggest fan..besides our Mom. He continued to push us towards success.
Is there an artist you would like to work with?
If you could change one thing in the music industry what would it be?
Davey: More money for streams would be cool.
Lastly: What advice would you have for someone wanting to follow in your footsteps?
Davey: Work hard. Work fast. DON’T STOP! ……..oh and make great music and look cool doing it.
Vielen Dank für das Interview, wir wünschen CALABRESE weiterhin viel Erfolg und wir halten Euch natürlich auf dem Laufenden.

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